
Enlarger is set to a height of 52

Developing the prints follow a similar process as developing film

People did not let their prints drain of the chemicals such as the developer before moving them to the next chemical which caused major issues. I will NOT reprint my negatives. I simply do not have the time nor will I ever be able to make the time for it.

Because of the previous statement, I will not accept printing in groups larger than three to five people including myself as there is then less chemical mixing.



Film developing

These are the component’s necessary for developing film(retrieved from the all powerful master google because forgot some names)

The chemicals you use are developer, stop bath, fixative(Fix) and wetting agent.

Developer develops the film

Stop bath stops the film developing

I can’t remember what fixative doe but what I do remember is that


Wetting agent prevents watermarks on the film when it dries



The following steps HAVE to be done in a dark room otherwise you risk over exposing your image and everything WILL come out black

Load your film into the reel and place it in your developing tank, putting the funnel over. This will prevent any light from entering the developing tank.

Next you put in the developer. Developers vary so be sure to read the instructions on how much you use and for how long.

After pouring out the developer you add the stop, this stuff will burn if you get it in any open wounds so be careful. Once again follow the instructions on the bottle and pour out.

Last is the fix, you also put in the developer tank once the the stop is out. Follow the instructions then let it out.

At this point you can remove the reel with the film, only after the fix is out as that stuff smells so you don’t want it on your hand.

Wash the film with running water that is approximately 20 degrees Celsius for 5-10 minutes.

While the reel is in the water, take a jug and fill it with water the same temperature.

Put a few drops of the wetting agent into the jug.

Once the reel is done in the water and remove the film.

Soak a soft sponge in the water with wetting agent and wipe the film both sides with it.

Use a squeegee and squeeze the water off

Hang the film to dry