
Enlarger is set to a height of 52

Developing the prints follow a similar process as developing film

People did not let their prints drain of the chemicals such as the developer before moving them to the next chemical which caused major issues. I will NOT reprint my negatives. I simply do not have the time nor will I ever be able to make the time for it.

Because of the previous statement, I will not accept printing in groups larger than three to five people including myself as there is then less chemical mixing.



Pigime: the final animation

The one things that I am not happy with is how few sound effects I could find for this as well as the fact that the digital animation is not complete. I feel as though the lighting for the stop motion could have been a bit smoother

While I did enjoy working on this project, I often felt overworked especially as I had to do the work for this along with all my other college projects.

While I do understand that industry will be tougher than this with more severe deadlines I think that this project was a bit too ambitious, we did not even do all the shots and animations we wanted to. However 45 seconds of animation at 12 frames per second is still quite amazing.

It totals to about 490 frames, about of which are digital animation.

Packaging: Mug box

Making the design

Origonally I had never planned on using the design I ended up using so the first few desigsns don’t look like the Final product

Simple designs I thought of using
Toying with the idea of having a window
More ideas, can see where I started developing the final design here
Sketch of the final design on a net

Now for the images. For the most part I used smart objects to create the skyline and words.

I used the gradient tool(both linear and circular) to create the gradients.

The images are just separate image files that I changed the layer kind to linear dodge




Laser cutting the net

Setting up the laser cutter

This is the laser cutter
If you make a mess, clean it with the vacuum






Setting the cutterIMG_20181010_141644.jpgIMG_20181010_141648.jpgIMG_20181010_141650.jpgIMG_20181010_141652.jpg


Putting it together plus final box

Once the net has been cut you just glue everything together


Contextual Essay

The two films that this essay is about are Jock of The Bushveld(an independent film released on the fifth of December in 1986) and Jurassic park(American blockbuster released on the ninth of June in 1993). The reason why these two movies were chosed is because they are both older films that many people from different generations can enjoy.

Starting with a quick analysis of each film.

Jurassic park: A millionaire named John Hammond (Richard Attenborough) creates a theme park on a remote island. This theme park is filled with dinosaurs that were recreated using dna found in mosquitos preserved in amber. “Part monster movie and part disaster movie as the island is thrashed by a storm” (Schneider, 2009). It is one of the highest rated movies on Rotten tomatoes and according to the site “Jurassic Park is a spectacle of special effects and life-like animatronics, with some of Spielberg’s best sequences of sustained awe and sheer terror since Jaws.” (, 2018). Jock of the Bushveld: A true story about an Irishman’s journey and adventures during the late 1800’s as he seeks his fortunes. Jock is his hunting dog, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier cross. It has a rating of 7.7 on IMBd. “From the best-seller that captivated millions of readers comes a motion picture as vast as Africa itself.” (IMDb, 2018).

Jurassic Park had a fairly large budget of 63 million US dollars. A fair amount of that was used for the dinosaur models as they would constantly malfunction and thus needed a lot of constant maintenance(especially the Tyrannosaurus as it would constantly break down due to its size) and most of it’s breakdowns happened during the outdoor scenes. Due to the age of the film and the poor record keeping of it, it was very hard to find the budget of the 1986 version of Jock of the Bushveld, only of the recent 2011 3d animated release which was 50 million South African Rands, which is about 4.4 million dollars. A fair amount smaller than that of the American blockbuster that is Jurassic park. The 2011 release was also far more popular than the original 1986 release and so one can easily assume that the budget for that film was far smaller. This is one of the largest differences between an American blockbuster and a small independent film. The budget for the blockbuster goes into the tens of millions and an independent film might be at most a few million.

The set of Jurassic Park was on an island called Kauai, a small island in Hawaii. This also ate a fair amount of the budget as there Kauai is literally an island and thus the sets had to be shipped there and also during filming there was a hurricane named Iniki which forced production to halt and sets having to be rebuilt. However as this was a major blockbuster, they were able to do this. In comparison, Jock of the Bushveld was filmed in South Africa. More specifically in the Kuger National Park, one of the largest in Africa. As it was filmed in the country and the sets were mostly pre-existing buildings, there wasn’t a huge expense when it came to sets. The more expensive aspects of this film is the animal handlers as they used real animals. Animals like lions and a leopard.

This paragraph addressed the special effects used in the films. While Jurassic park used many special effects to create the illusion of living, breathing dinosaurs Jock of the Bushveld did not use many effects. The main special effects one could spot in Jurassic Park are the T-Rex’s breath on the car in the one iconic scene, electricity sparks, gore and objects be crushed or thrown. These effects are created mostly in post however certain things like electric flashes are often made  In Jock of the Bushveld however there is not as much special effects. In fact there is only one main special effect and that is the firing of guns throughout various scenes. How they created these effects is more than likely loading the guns with blanks which are bullet casings with no bullet inside them, sometimes they have flashpowder.

Casting can also play a major role in whether a film is a blockbuster or an independent film. Blockbusters normally cast actors whom are well known for their roles in other films or even tv series while a independent film will hire people based on their talent or will hold auditions for the role. For example, Jurassic Park had the talents of Sam Neill and Richard Attenborough. There are many more talents however one can not name them all. In Jock of the Bushveld however there were actors like Jonathan Rand and Umfubu, not very well known or at least not known well enough for later generations to know who they are.

In conclusion, there are four main differences between an American Blockbuster and a local independent film. The first is budget, major Blockbusters have tens of millions of dollars in budget while independent films usually only have a few million. Next would be the sets. Often blockbusters will have sets are often elaborate or filmed in different locations that are far off like how Jurassic park was filmed on an island in Hawaii and had several sets while independent films are often filmed on location where they are set like Jock of the Bushveld was filmed in South Africa and had minimal sets. Then there is the special effects. Blockbusters will have a lot of fancy special effects that are created during filming and in post production such as the lightening and electric flashes in Jurassic park while independent films often have minimal special effects if any like the gun fire in Jock of the bushveld. Last is casting, blockbusters often have large names that they asked to take part in the film like Sam Neill and Richard Attenborough in Jurassic park while independent films usually hold auditions for the role or have smaller names like Jonathan Rand and Umfubu in them. That is the difference.



Jurassic park


Schneider, S. (2009). 1001 movies you must see before you die. London: Cassell Illustrated, p.822.

Ross, J. and Gilbey, R. (2005). The ultimate film. London: BFI, pp.64-66.

Landis, J. (2011). Monsters in the movies. London: Dorling Kindersley, pp.152-163.

Baxter, J. (1996). The unauthorized biography of Steven Spielberg. New York: HarperCollins, pp.372-394.

King, G. (2014). Indie 2.0. London: Tauris.

Internet (2018). Jurassic Park. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Oct. 2018].

IMDb. (2018). Jurassic Park (1993). [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Oct. 2018].

YouTube. (2018). Jurassic Park Trailer. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Oct. 2018].

Jurassic World. (2018). Jurassic Park. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Oct. 2018]. (2018). Jurassic Park Franchise Box Office History – The Numbers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Oct. 2018].

The Worldwide Guide to Movie Locations. (2018). Film Locations for Jurassic Park (1993), in Hawaii and California.. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Oct. 2018].

Metacritic. (2018). Jurassic Park. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Oct. 2018].

Jock of the bushveld


FitzPatrick, P. (1907). Jock of The Bushveld. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 12 Oct. 2018].


IMDb. (2018). Jock of the Bushveld (1986). [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Oct. 2018]. (2018). History Of Kruger Park | Sir Percy FitzPatrick | South Africa…. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Oct. 2018]. (2018). Jock of the Bushveld – SA’s best loved dog hero – English Blog | By South Africa Channel. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Oct. 2018].

Bushveld and FitzPatrick, J. (2018). Jock of the Bushveld. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Oct. 2018].

South African History Online. (2018). Discovery of the Gold in 1884. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Oct. 2018].