Client briefs

  • Their goal, what they are aiming for
  • Their audience, who they are targeting the product towards
  • Their expectations (outcome), how they expect the product to appear
  • Time scale/deadline
  • Budget
  • Logo
  • Colour scheme
  • Fonts


Get specifics

  • What they don’t want


Try strategies with them

  • Find workarounds for certain questions
  • What works for their ethos


Find competitors

  • Try find preexisting logos and ask if that is the sorta like them
  • Collect feedback

Graphic design

Logo and T-shirt:

Low colour art, also referred to as “flat design”

No gradients and no opacity changes

Needs to be simple enough to be cut out of colour paper and still be recognisable.

Screen printing


In screen printing you have a “screen”

Inside the screen is a very fine mesh material. It’s a solid, ridged frame with a fabric with very fine holes stretched over it.

The screen is coated with a chemical agent(look it up) across the whole of the screen. This is a high opacity chemical agent.

A negative is used on an acetate. It is developed, the chemical hardens only where light hit.

The screen is then cleaned, removing the unhardened chemical off.

Ink is pushed through the “hole” created from the developing using a squeegee. This creates an image on whatever is under the screen.

The limitations to screen printing is that you can’t have different opacities, a gradient or too many different colours. One way of creating the illusion of gradient however is to use halftones.

example-of-halftone.pngHalftone example

Registration is used when you have more than one colour. It is making sure that everything lines up.

Custom-Balloons-Complex-Designs.jpgWhat happens when you mis-register


Research week(Graphics)

Charity shirts

18543-DEFAULT-l.jpgThis T shirt is for an animal charity. It is cute and simplistic

norfolk-greyhound-rescue-tshirt-ngr-word-art-3-pounds-from-each-sale-to-greyhound-rescue-charity-ngr-black-bowing-hound-logo-with-words-5acf99bf.jpgThere is a lot of animal awareness shirts on this list. This one is from a charity that rescues greyhounds. The shirt is simplistic and definitely something I would wear often.

400x400_1917-2-1.pngDefinitely the simplest shirt on this list. It’s also bright and colourful and something that can be worn on a daily basis.

DynamicImageHandler_7149e3e4-2f19-4585-82ed-66a97758809c_large.pngNot really the sort of shirt I would wear outside of charity events however it is simplistic and nice to look at.


Company logo


