
lasting 5 minutes where you
evaluate the
contexts that have impacted on your own creative outputs
since coming
to UCM. You can cover a few different outcomes or analyse one in depth. The
presentation will be in PowerPoint form and will have images.

Identity Markers In Film

Please note that majority of the clips would not be visible, it is not my fault it is because of a specific setting on youtube when you upload a video that the uploaders didn’t change.


The chosen film is Sinbad: legend of the seven seas

This film is about a man named Sinbad that has been framed by the goddess Eris and now must retrieve it in order to save his long time friend. This film was released in early 2003 by DreamWorks.
Often in films, women have the role of supporting the male lead. This is not entirely false in this film. While the female lead, ie Marina, does support the male lead, ie Sinbad, Marina has a fair amount of moments where Sinbad is supporting her. They also have moments where they are on more of neutral ground where they help each other out, take this clip for example:
It is a relatively calm scene where Sinbad and Marina are equal in the way. In terms of gender, they are the same.
Excuse the quality, clips that are not fan dubbed are hard to come by. If we look at this scene we can see woman with long being portrayed as evil and seductive. Men are being portrayed as being driven purely by their desires, such as money
Men are being shown as stubborn in this scene, which is a fairly large stereotype. It makes men also seem like they should not show emotions and only care about their vehicles, in this case Sinbad’s boat.


IMDb. (2018). Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003). [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Dec. 2018].
Murphy, J. (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Dec. 2018]. (2018). Gender-Sensitive Indicators for Media: Framework of indicators to gauge gender sensitivity in media operations and content | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Dec. 2018].
The Economist. (2018). The aftermath of the Weinstein scandal. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Dec. 2018].

Work time table


Work on graphics during lunch plus for about 30 minutes at home



Work on blog/non digital work during directed study in the first lesson(Typically contextual work)

Work on animation during break

Work on video for 30 min at home



Work on animation/Interactive media during lunch, work on both at home for an hour(I enjoy working on this game)



Work on Motion graphics during lunch, sometimes for 30 minutes at home if necessary



Work on photography during break

Work on Kathryn’s work/incomplete work during directed study


Work on any incomplete work for 1-2 hours

Time Management Plan

This will not work. They never work. Life happens too much. I am staying with the plan that I have developed which is:


6:30-7:20 AM

Get up and get ready for college, leave for college

8:00-9:15 AM

Arrive at college

Work on ideas

9:15 AM-12:00 PM

First lecture/Work on ideas or homework if I have directed study

12:00-12:15 PM

Eat lunch

12:15-1:00 PM

Work on college work

1:00-4:00 PM

Second lesson/Work on ideas or homework if I have directed study

4:00-5:30 PM

Go home

5:30-6:00 PM

Take dogs out

6:00-7:00 PM

Work on personal projects(sometimes they do relate to college work)

7:00-9:00 PM

Family time

9:00 PM

Bed time



2-4 hours of college work, when is uncertain as I don’t wake up at a fixed time



Family and personal time


I was unable to find the person who designed this advert however I did try to replicate it. I chose Savanna just because they have very dry humour. I like the colours as well, its very bright and happy. Sorta like how alcohol can make you feel.

This is the advert I chose to repliate

First I got all my images61cRENU5vZL._SL1500_.jpgimages.pngSavanna-Cider copy.png

Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 14.13.11.png
The font I used


I then made it in photoshop

Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 14.21.43.png
I used stuff that I have previously learnt to create it
