
As a person in creative media, I want my logo to show that I am creative and always doing forwards as well as I will get things done by their due date.

I will achieve this by drawing a person moving forewards with artistic tools on a timeline.


Some designs I first thought

From the start I had a pretty solid idea of what I wanted to do which was a person on a timeline

Logo 4.png
This initial idea was dumped because it felt off balance, even for a character in motion
Logo 5.png
This was dumped for the same reason as the first one
Logo 1.png
While I did like the carefree nature of this pose I was still not all that happy with it.
Logo 2.png
This pose felt like the character was way to cautionary and thus did not suit what I washing for at all.
Logo 3.png
I ended up using this pose because it has a nice sense of motion. I also added some props

Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at 09.49.51.png
Some evidence of thing, I chose this pose
Logo final sketch.png
I then did a clean version with some other stuff.

Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at 12.14.11.png


With some help, I made a shape path from the Neat drawn lineart. Made it a vector by making a shape layer, copying the path and pasting it onto the shape layer. This proved to appear much nicer than what I was perviously doing and far easier.

Screen Shot 2018-12-03 at 10.03.33.pngScreen Shot 2018-12-03 at 10.03.36.png


I then changed the colours and exported two versions. One is just a silhouette and the other is a lineart with the name of my thing

Logo Silhouette.pngLogo new.png


I then create a mockup on a black t-shirt



There is not muchI can say on the logo. I feel that it has some nice motion to it. It’s a bit complicated however its also a design that is easily replicated. It doesn’t quite convey that it’s meant to be an animation company but rather comics(which is something I do enjoy making). I am unsure how I would rectify this. Next is the one foot. It looks off, like the heel isn’t on the ground. I could probably fix this by changing the shape of the foot. I do not feel like there is anything else I would change, there was no possible way for me to manage my time better as I had to fit this in with all my other work as well as attempting to maintain some form of sanity by communicating with other humans.

Idle animation

Screen Shot 2018-11-22 at 09.09.49.png
First I sketched out the frames in my art program
Screen Shot 2018-11-22 at 09.10.46.png
Then I imported it into Photoshop and animated it.
Here is the finished rough animation


Added colour and cleaned up

Experimentation with media

I really like the drip of this, the cut looking thing at the bottom was made by letting red and black ink drip down the side then splatting a brush with red ink on it down the line


Most of this is made with ink on a paintbrush. The clock eye is dry brushed
Pretty much all the same. The splats are made by splatting the paintbrush on the paper


This is the result of using tissue paper to clean the brush and remove excess ink from the paper


All game designs

To start off, I had a pretty solid character design set in my head. That design being a very cute character with no mouth. I took a lot of inspiration from a game called Undertale(mostly the fanart of it) as well as several other games such as the binding of Isaac. I also drew inspiration from the design of Mable from Gravity Falls.IMG_20181114_100916.jpgimg_20181114_100926.jpg


Eventually I ended up with this design that’s far more simplistic and easier to turn around. I also created a few items for the false screenshotSprite and tools.png

Promo art2.png
A sort of art I made because I wanted to test out some effects I wanted to use for the game


I created a Youtube playlist for some inspiration for the game. Link to playlist


Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at 10.37.17.pngThe trees for the background gave me quite a bit of trouble but I’m actually quite happy with how they turned out

Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at 11.22.27.pngI added some shading, the character and the On screen display. I decided to add an enemy to make it more visually interesting so here you can see the quick sketch I made.

Fake screenshot.png


I got board and made an icon in MsPaint.

This was no easy task. I mostly did this because I had already completed the homework I could complete(Library computers don’t have photoshop or the correct driver needed for my wacom to work). I mostly struggled with the hair and I’m not entirely satisfied with how it has come out but there is nothing I can really do about it.
Charac Iconnew.png
I just noticed a section that is too wide so I’m going to fix that
Charac Iconnewnew.png
Completed image. I really do like this image a lot.

Game progress

Splash Screen

I chose to use Medibang Paint to draw the Splash Screen as I am most familiar with the program as well as I know how to create custom brushes in it.

Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at 13.53.06.png

Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at 13.52.10.png
Animated the words coming in and glowing
Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at 13.53.31.png
Exported to web, did the same with Base menu


Base menu

I chose to use Medibang Paint to draw the base menu as I am most familiar with the program as well as I know how to create custom brushes in it.

Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at 13.53.09.png

Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at 13.52.00.png
Animated the arrow moving


On screen display

Fake screenshot.png
Here’s how I’m sorta panning on having the on screen display