Analysing all my work

Essentially what I had to do was design a game. It was not necessary to make the actual game, just design it.

What I chose to do for this project was a side scroller. The story essentially follows a small child on their journey through the night. At least that is the part being used for this brief. This has become very much a personal project and thus I will be changing the format to make it a bit easier, however that is irrelevant to the brief.

As the brief is “express yourself” I decided that I would show essentially how I feel sometimes. As I have a speech impairment, I sometimes feel like simply not talking as it is a lot of effort(in order for me to properly form sentences and words I need to concentrate on what I am saying). More specifically it focuses around my childhood, or at least that is what the initial plan was, this project has taken up a life of it’s own and has this become more.

The title for the game came from the fact that the character does not speak and is essentially a mute.

First I had designed the main character, whom has even somehow gotten a name as I couldn’t just keep calling them “child” or “character”. The initial ideas were all sketched out in pencil.IMG_20181114_100916.jpg

As these were all idea sketches, I feel like there is nothing to change about them, I could have experimented a bit more with the feet shape as I had changed them much later on and it would have saved me a lot of trouble

The next thing to do was to create a digital design of Charik, the character.

Sprite and tools
I also added a few tools that would be included in the fake screenshot


For Interactive media I made the splash screen, Start up menu and the game screen.

Fake screenshot.png

For these I feel like it would have been better if I had loop animated the snowflakes falling for the splash screen.

In Animation I had to make an idle animation as well as a signature move animation so here they are.

While I do like this animation, I am not happy with how jittery it is. I really do like the sketched appearance Charik has though as it shows that nothing is ever complete or perfect.
Here is the signature move, it is basically just a flame shield. I am very happy with how the flames came out. The only thing that I’m not all too pleased about is how the body is essentially twitching..

In this case my research did help up to a certain point, it game me a pretty good idea of how a base menu should be played out as well as how a game screen should look with the fake screenshot. When designing the character it came in use with their outfits and basic body shape.

I only really gained a couple of skills from this that I did not have previously, those skills are making things look like they have an intense light inside and drawing magic.


I am fairly pleased with the results. While I am not all that happy with some aspects of the animations and the splash screen, I feel as though this is merely the beginning of something far greater.

Charity shirt logo ideas

I came to the conclusion of using apples because apples come from orchids, Orchid is the charity(I think). Apples are associated with testicles, therefor I’ll use apples.


It’s horrible looking but it’s enough for detail. Basically it’s a sausage between two deformed apples


apl.pngIts a rotten apple in the shape of a ballsack. I really like this design. That is not a font, it is my own handwriting. The large letters were made by using a custom brush.

I converted the image into a vector and exported it outaple vect.png

I photoshopped the design onto a white shirt. Mock up.png

Book cover sketches

Here are the initial ideas, some I really didn’t like at all.

Rough versions

These are the slightly more refined versions

This is my first choice, it just seems like it would be good for a thriller novel. I would make the eyes with red thread and do the writing with a stick, also red. The background would be monochromatic, the space behind the eyes black and behind the words would be dark and blotted
This is my favourite, the reason why is because it’s kind of creepy and I like creepy. The background would be blotted and the “I” would be made with a lot of ink that is dripped. “Spy” would be made with pencil. The eye would be made with dry brushed.
This looks more like graffiti but I still like it.