Review of work experience

Company: The Dome

The dome is a 360 theatre/planetarium situated at the Nunnery in Douglas.

My time with Adrian was pretty cool. He had me animate traditionally on paper then scan and colour them on my laptop. I learnt some types of animations from this that I did not know such as how to do flight and front walks. He also showed me how the dome worked including how it is calibrated.

















Adrian then asked us to make personal Logos and Business cards

Logo.pngBusiness card.png



Final sound thing

It’s terrible but it kind of has a charm to it. Carrot is a bit high pitched and demonic sounding. I will most likely fix it up though


Alright, proper analysis.

The spacing is very poor. I feel like I should have redone Carrot as you can hear me take several loud breaths. I feel like I could have voiced them a bit different. I did try to make carrot sound more cutesy however I managed to double their voice and they ended up sounding demonic. I am quite happy with Fish’s voice. The doubling was intentional with him as I wanted him to sound not so nice as well as a bit bubbly.

Final and evaluation

My mic was clipping and I didn’t want to go through the rain of booking out a mic so I went with a simple web page.

The first page is a choice between meat and vegetables.

Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at 14.14.27.png

If you select the vegetable it will take you to this page:

If you selected the meat it would take you to the next page

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Select the heart and you are taken here:

Selecting the land will take you here:

The back takes you back


It’s ok. I like the heart so thats good, you can get the files here:


Final thoughts

I definitely did not do what I initially wanted to do however I did accomplish my backup plan. The major obstacle I had was my mic constantly clipping when I first tried to record for the video. There was no way to overcome this other than do a different thing. If I were to do anything different, I would have rerecorded the audio. I learnt a few things, such as always double check the mic.


Note: This has been scrapped as I could not rerecord(I chose to not add the rest of the script)

Audio to play in the background:




That is just a fancy way of saying hello.

Today I will be touching on how cattle farming is affecting the environment and here to help me is my little cow Kelly!

(Kelly is drawn during this introduction)Screen Shot 2019-01-14 at 13.45.40.png


Now I know what many of you watching this is going to say, “Another vegan justice warrior”

No, I’m not even vegetarian. I quite enjoy bacon with my eggs and toast in the morning.

Livestock have a major impact on the environment, especially cows. Sorry Kelly, but it’s true.

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About twenty six percent of the earth’s surface is used just for livestock grazing. Thirty three percent of croplands are used for feed. That really is a lot of food for just meat and with an ever increasing population of humans, more and more land will be taken up just so that more and more livestock can be raised for human consumption.

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Draw this as speak
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Draw when talk about eat

And what do livestock like cattle do plenty of?

Expell air from both ends.

Air which has a lot of methane in it and this is a greenhouse gas.

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Book cover

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I took the tissue blotted with ink and added a image of old paper on top, I then set the layer kind of the paper to overlay and added a vignette to the image. I did this so that the colours were firstly warmer(sickeningly so) and secondly looked like it was used to clean up blood
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I tried adding messing around with layer kinds with a blue layer but t didn’t work. I felt it was too high contrast so I scrapped that idea
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I duplicated the group and offset the layer, darkening it and lowering the opacity. The reason why I did this was purely because I wanted to see how it would look and I am glad I did so.
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Added the eye after removing its background,  I used a levels adjustment layer to make the eye fit the whole dark appearance a bit better. I also duplicated the layer and tagged a gaussian blur to make it look a bit better
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Colour coded and named the layers(I do this so things are easier to find). I then added another levels adjustment layer as well as a brightness/contrast adjustment layer. I then increased the brightness as well as the contrast, the reasoning behind this is that the image was a bit too dark.
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Brought the words in and removed their background
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I added a few adjustment layers to the words so that they would fit in better as well as added another vignette to really darken the appearance. I also added one more adjustment layer to the layers below the words to bring up the contrast.

Book cover1.pngHere is the completed book cover. I moved the position of the “I”

The reason why I used a high contrast and made it look like it’s covered in blood is because blood is often mentally linked with a murder. Murder is a crime and this is investigated by detectives. This book is a murder-mystery novel and also a thriller, red is indicative of danger which is why I also used it.

I would definitely buy a book with this covering. I am quite happy with the end result of this image. The reason why is I feel like the cover conveys what it was supposed to as well as it looks like a convincing book cover, like something a fan of the genre may choose.