Review of work experience

Company: The Dome

The dome is a 360 theatre/planetarium situated at the Nunnery in Douglas.

My time with Adrian was pretty cool. He had me animate traditionally on paper then scan and colour them on my laptop. I learnt some types of animations from this that I did not know such as how to do flight and front walks. He also showed me how the dome worked including how it is calibrated.

















Adrian then asked us to make personal Logos and Business cards

Logo.pngBusiness card.png



Working in a team

Working with a team was something that I am not really used to. I enjoyed working with Emma so thats something good.

The positives was that I wasn’t entirely stressed about getting all the information and it was a bit easier to meet deadlines as apposed to working alone. It was also a bit of fun.

The only real downside I could think of was that we did end up making two different timelines.


Compared to working alone, I think I prefer working with someone else. I highly doubt I will be able to work in a large team however as I struggle to communicate with people often.

IOM industries

Three FM is a radio station. They do talkshows and stream music. They are in Braddan

Bloom is a company that makes videos such as promotional videos, corporate films and short films. They are situated in Onchan



The dome is a 360 theatre/planetarium situated at the Nunnery in Douglas. This is where I will be doing my work experience.

Greenlight is a film company from Douglas. They do a wide range of videography from events to award winning documentaries. They are in Tromode

Timeline and colour palettes

Timeline roughs


timelineBoring and plain.

timelineI like this, Emma designed it and I added the background pattern and coloured the motorcycle best I couldHTimeline.pngTried making my own design that was nice, only picture not provided by Emma is the bust. I kind of like the burn patterns, they were fun to make



Colour palettes and patterns



Majority of the font is either hand written or new times roman

Timeline research

1901 All 313 Aesop Fables translated into Manx by Edward Faragher. Beatrice Annie Fairless started attending.

1902 King Edward VII visited the Island.

1904 Gordon Bennett Motor Trials first held.

1905 Injebreck reservoir completed.

1907 Manx National Anthem adopted on initiative of W. H. Gill. Manx Tourist Trophy motorcycle races first held. Beatrice Annie Fairless finished attending.

1908 Death of Edward Faragher (Ned Beg Hum Ruy).

1909 A. W. Moore died. Marina Lodge purchased by Douglas Corporation and redeveloped as the Villa Marina.

1911 World Manx Association founded by Richard Cain. ‘Cooinaghtyn Manninagh’ collection of Main folklore by Dr. John Clague (1842-1908), published posthumously.

1913 J. M. Nicholson, artist, died. Archibold Knox returned to teach.

1914 Maughold Head lighthouse built. WW1 Started

1918 WW1 Ended

1919 Enquests abolished by Act of ‘Tynwald. Tynwald Court reconstituted.

1920 King George V visited the Island.