Brief analysis

Who am I trying to persuade?

Aimed mainly towards people who are trying rationalise switching to a plant based diet.


How weird is the idea

Very weird


Is it achievable

It is very achievable


How hard is it too make

Sort of easy. May be a bit difficult


How long will it take

It would take about 6 weeks to complete



Basically I had to design a piece of animation that will convince people to switch to a plant based diet.

I honestly don’t know what else to say

Final and evaluation

My mic was clipping and I didn’t want to go through the rain of booking out a mic so I went with a simple web page.

The first page is a choice between meat and vegetables.

Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at 14.14.27.png

If you select the vegetable it will take you to this page:

If you selected the meat it would take you to the next page

Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at 14.54.36.png

Select the heart and you are taken here:

Selecting the land will take you here:

The back takes you back


It’s ok. I like the heart so thats good, you can get the files here:


Final thoughts

I definitely did not do what I initially wanted to do however I did accomplish my backup plan. The major obstacle I had was my mic constantly clipping when I first tried to record for the video. There was no way to overcome this other than do a different thing. If I were to do anything different, I would have rerecorded the audio. I learnt a few things, such as always double check the mic.