
Final and evaluation

My mic was clipping and I didn’t want to go through the rain of booking out a mic so I went with a simple web page.

The first page is a choice between meat and vegetables.

Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at 14.14.27.png

If you select the vegetable it will take you to this page:

If you selected the meat it would take you to the next page

Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at 14.54.36.png

Select the heart and you are taken here:

Selecting the land will take you here:

The back takes you back


It’s ok. I like the heart so thats good, you can get the files here:


Final thoughts

I definitely did not do what I initially wanted to do however I did accomplish my backup plan. The major obstacle I had was my mic constantly clipping when I first tried to record for the video. There was no way to overcome this other than do a different thing. If I were to do anything different, I would have rerecorded the audio. I learnt a few things, such as always double check the mic.

Food photography

Raw image


Edited image


I’m fairly pleased with this. With a bit of editing it does quite look like the reference images I found. It does look a bit cold and I think I could have made the cookies look a bit warmer




I really like the end result. It’s bright and colourful and makes me feel a little better about myself. I learnt how to edit in Lightroom which is pretty cool.

Peer reviews

Review by : Emma H

The script is a great way of outlining the details of the video (including important info and what not to mention). The informal style is also really useful at addressing your audience as it is more engaging and does not come across as ‘preachy’. This makes the audience feel more comfortable and at ease, which will make them more open to considering the idea you are promoting.

Using a character to personify your thoughts may also help to address your audience as it makes the message more ‘personal’. Having a constant presence on screen also appears more visually appealing as well as showing the effort you put in to animating the lip movement/expressions to show how you feel about what you’re saying.

You could also try to add different ways that meat consumption affects people (with emphasis on how it affects people and the environment).


Review by : Beth R

It was good. Very informative but being able to actually see more of the animation at this stage rather than an explanation would be nice. Aaron is gae.

no u

Review by : Aaron

its an interesting idea ,I like the cow.