

Animation research:


We decided to use Narmak as he has a brilliant stereotypical modern anime style, which is what we wanted for certain frames of the animations

Related image

Image result for narmak


I added grittysugar as their animation style is very similar to cutout animation

Image result for grittysugar

Image result for grittysugar

Related image

Other animations

These two were more of body parts references

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Image result for gatchaman

Real life reference

References of how birds look. I did not choose th

Image result for seagull
Pretty sure we used this as a reference for one of the action shots


Related image

Image result for owl
Barn owl which I based owl off of

Musical inspiration

Main animation inspiration

This song is what helped spawn the absurd idea of Pigime, this song and the fact that we saw a pigeon being attacked by a seagull in Liverpool

Personal animating music

I listened to this song as well as several similar sounding songs while making the models and digital animation.

Animation process

This is the stuff I did, so making the models, character sketches, story board and the digital animations. I feel that I had done my fair share of work in this


Story board

The storyboard is unfortunately not very visible in this image. I created the storyboard using Cameron’s sctript, it as however only loosely based off the scrip. It consists of a total of 27 hand drawn panels, 9 panels on each page.

Character designs

The characters are Pigeon, Gull and Owl. Or at least those are my names for them. For Gull and Pigeon I made two designs. The dist designs are more cartoon bird like. These designs were purely for the cutout animation Which Aaron and Cameron did. The other designs are more anthropomorphic and anime like. This style was used once in the cut out animation and was very difficult to make models of. I also experimented with eyeshapes on the pages and did a rough sketch of the models in pieces.


This is Gull main model, if I would change one thing I would have made his neck slightly longer
Pigeon and Owl models. I made the legs to short on both and to skinny on Pigeon, I would change that if I could.
Pigeons main model, the legs were too skinny on this model as well
One of the dumped Pigeon wings. This one was too big for him

Digital animation

This is what the animation program I use looks like, it’s called Flipaclip
The main settings I use for animating
This is how the app is layed out.
The brush I use for sketching, the reason why I use this one is because it sketches a lot neater than the other brushes. I use the second last one for lining and colour.
I adjusted the brush size as it was too big for the canvas

The next few images are of my animating, just really the rough shapes

I love in-between frames. I didn’t quite maintain volume correctly here so that is something I definitely have to work on
I duplicated the frames here
You can see my construction lines in this one
I forgot to screenshot my progress on this one


What are you two even filming?


And now for the animations with their rather odd names