Photoshop Editing, cloud man

Started off with a blank canvas. Using the gradient tool I picked out a light blue and gradient it from the top to the bottom.

I then took a photograph of a cloud, increased the contrast and removed saturation. I did this in order to make it easier to remove the background. After deleting the background I used the smudge tool to blur the edges.

Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at 10.02.55.png

After this, I created a colour adjustment layer, using this I gave the cloud some colour. I also used the meshwarp to change the cloud’s shape slightly.

I found a picture of a white shirt which had no background, using the clue/saturation(cmd+U) editor as well as the levels editor(cmd+L). This brought me to a blue-purple colour that I quite like. After doing this I removed the collar lable using the clone stamp tool.

Next I used the Polyganol lasso tool to select and cut the arm

Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at 12.01.34.pngScreen Shot 2018-09-20 at 12.01.42.png

I did the same for the other side, but instead of cutting it I  deleted the arm.

After this I used the mesh warp to make the torso appear to be facing towards the side(I did struggle with this). I pasted the arm I had previously cut then warped it, again with the mesh warp, so that it was bent. I also struggled with this.Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at 11.20.55.png

I copy, pasted the completed bent arm and rotated it, this gave the appearance that there were two arms.

After this I moved the shirt to the bottom corner, as well as shrunk it slight.

Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at 12.00.20.png

Next I found a transparency of the front and back of a hand. I moved each hand into their respective positions, flipping the left hand so that it was facing the correct direction

Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at 12.00.06.png

I took an image of old paper and layer it over the image, sizing it so that it covered everything.

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I changed the layer type to multiply which created a sort of old texture

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I created vignette background by creating another layer, using a dark blue to colour the corners, changing the settings to multiply and lowering the opacity.

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I flatten the image

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and finally save it as a jpeg

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